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Posts is a scam

In case you get an email from with a message that you bought something beware, it's a scam. Recently one of my friends got following (localized) email: Basically an order confirmation of buying some voucher which costs 80$. Interesting was that it had a valid name, phone and address. First we thought it's just a spam using some stolen database of contacts, but recently the goods actually arrived. Luckily he didn't accept the package. I didn't found any information online except this french reviews ( ) saying basically the same, that they got packages just by filling contact form. Hope I stop someone from throwing away money.
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Betaflight resource remapping with DSHOT

Since Betaflight 3.x.x there is possibility to remap your motor outputs. This allows you to use different pins in case some of them are broken. There are few tutorials on youtube how to remap your outputs, but I found only one, which takes into account DSHOT. Problem with remapping with DSHOT is that, not every flight controller output can be used as a DSHOT output. But how to find which output can be used for DSHOT? First, if you already made some changes to resources in CLI, revert them or re-flash your flight controller. Depending on your board, select the quadcopter type with same amount of motors as yours. I'm using SPRACINGF3EVO which has 8 motor outputs, so I selected "Octo Flat +" Go to the CLI and run command "resource" and then "resource list" Copy and whole output to the notepad You should get something as follows, with importrant parts in BOLD. # resource resource BEEPER 1 C15 resource MOTOR 1 A00 resource MOTOR 2 A01 ...

Jenkins - Git branch fallback with Git Chooser Alternative Plugin

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IBUS with CC3D and CleanFlight/BetaFlight - Eachine 250 Racer

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